Boarding the Grand Canyon Railway that takes us from Williams, AZ. to the South Rim of the Grand Canyon.  The train began running from 1901 until 1968 when it came on hard times. It wasn't until the late 80's when Max and Thelma Biegert put in $15 million to restart the train service.
PG. 2
Some of the beautiful scenery on the way to the Canyon.
When we boarded, Cookie (Phil) had dibs of picking the first seat and told everybody to get back! 
​Chuck offering Phil a hundred dollars for his seat.
​Greg asking that everyone find their seats because we're getting ready to leave Williams and go to the Grand Canyon.
​You can see that Steve and Naomi are ready to go.
Rick and Sandra watching the parade.
Tom, Bill S., Fitz and Smitty seated on the left, trying to find a quarter Smitty lost.
Nick passing time by looking at his phone and Deanne getting sleepy.
Ron reaching out thinking I was going to give him some money.
Barbara and Bill H. seem to be enjoying themselves.
Smitty asking Bill and Barbara H. if they saw his quarter on the floor under their seat while Mominani  is giving the thumbs up sign.  Mick and Carolyn are in the seat behind them.
Kathy and Tom are ready to get off the train.
We finally get to the Grand Canyon.
Who's the dork sitting beside the lovely lady?
                           GROUP SHOT ON THE TRAIN

Beginning 1st row left to right:  Terry
2nd row:  Doc, Leslye, Fitz, Patti, Nick and Deanne
3rd row:   Mominani, Smitty, Phil, Kathy, Greg, MaryAnn and Naomi
4th row:   Dave and Shilin
5th row:   Sandra, Bill S., Tom, Mick, Carolyn and Steve
6th row:   Rick, Bill H. and Barbara
7th row:   Chuck and Ron

​Shilin's getting a break from Greg while he's taking care of business.
Carolyn, Tom and Chuck still looking.  Are you sure you lost the quarter about here Smitty?